Independent Democratic "Changes"?

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

These words were resounding in my mind as I was reading the headlines today.
I will frankly admit, I have been rather lax in staying abreast with the latest happenings in our country these days. But as I open the news and begin to go through it, it is like I had never left. Kasab is still in jail; the new addition is a trail of clues that leads to the Maldives.
Aarushi, a young daughter of two highly-educated parents, who was found murdered is a case that has gone cold. Fingers pointed to the domestic help, and then to the parents. The only thing certain is that the killer had helped him/herself to whiskey around the time the dreadful deed was committed.

Does India care?
Some part of me cringes when I see stories fading into oblivion, just because they need to be replaced with something more current or jaw dropping. Mostly, these are not just stories, but people's lives. But there is hope. I will live on that feeling (along with love and fresh air :P ).

Some people refuse to read the news as they say (rightly) it's almost always sad, never posting much about the happy stuff in the world. I agree. But I still prefer reading that mostly-sad news.
Not to satisfy some sadistic streak in me, but to become aware. No news is bad news too.

Keep the “old” news going . Love it or hate it. Free independent news rocks.

Cultural Bamboozles

Its not very often that we hear about the differences that divide us. Instead, more often than not, we hear about how small the world has become, about how easy it is to communicate. Easier said than done perhaps.

Noticing the differences that separate people from different parts of the world is still marked and important.

For example, how often have we in India taken "five minutes" to mean anything from "15 minutes" to "one hour"? Anything BUT "five minutes". Move over to Europe or across the Atlantic, the delay will not be looked at indulgently, but instead will be taken in a more serious-faux pas manner.

The eastern culture places a great emphasis on family pride and what not. Compare this to the western world's (more notably American) pride in individual achievements.
There is nothing that your family does, which technically will override your own accomplishments. No wonder there are so many self-made people there.

Notice the difference in explanation. Some start from the basics, the complete core if you will. More often than not, I notice that some cultures do not place as much emphasis on that.

Sit on urgent business with an Arab they say, and you will spend more than half your time inquiring about the health of their family. It is not that they do not consider your business to be "urgent", but rather its their way of tradition and culture that places a great importance on kinship. There is an emphasis on ceremony and social rules.
Americans on the other hand, have their own endearing culture of directness, which is refreshing and personally preferred.
Example: Heard the story of the Japanese official who took offense as his subordinate was placed on a "higher" floor than he was? Ouch!

There are many more facets I am sure that are not mentioned here, like non-verbal communication (a person's body language).

One universal truth, SMILE. Its the most easily understood form of communication.

Turkey Blues

T'is the season to be jolly
T'is the season to spread the good cheer
T'is the season to feel like an overstuffed turkey sandwich

Somehow this sense of deja vu that I have had this happen to me every year does not hinder the repetition of this tale.

Numerous articles have sprung up on how one should watch what they eat during our busy Christmas->-new year season, most of it is helpful I'm sure. But sometime it does lead me to wonder.
Won't it be more effective if people watch what they eat between new year ->- Christmas instead.

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